Welcome 2018! A brand new year, ripe with possibilities and promise, has finally begun. The arrival of 2018 brings with it a fresh start, a new opportunity to focus on goals for your practice. Have you taken the time to take a fresh look at your practice and the way you market it? The new year is a great time to launch fresh strategies that can transform your practice’s brand into one that is more valuable in the eyes of referrers and patients.
Like most great resolutions that come with the New Year, “put more time, thought and effort into marketing my practice” always has the greatest of intentions. However, somehow, another year goes by bogged down with those pesky patients demanding your care. That great marketing plan never made it out of your desk drawer, did it? Here are 3 ways to jumpstart your marketing strategy for a highly profitable 2018:
1. Decide how much time you can dedicate to marketing and/or if you should consider hiring someone internally or contracting with a company that can help on a more part-time basis. There is no right or wrong answer – it all depends on you, your practice and your goals.
2. Pick a realistic goal for the New Year. It might be to build your local referral network. It may be to get more involved with local organizations. You might decide to write an article – for an industry publication, for your practice’s newsletter or for a local publication. Whatever one or two things you pick for 2018, drive toward accomplishing them. Do not bite off more than you can chew and get help if you need it.
3. Create a marketing plan for you and/or your practice – short and long-term. Include things that will enhance your reputation and patient pipeline. Think in advance about where your money can be best spent. Focus on initiatives that will help you build a thriving practice for years to come, as well as get you noticed in the short term. Think, plan, and spend those funds wisely.
Here’s to your success and prosperity in 2018!